Source code for drudge.su2

"""Drudge for SU(2) Lie algebra."""

import collections
import functools
import operator

from sympy import Integer, KroneckerDelta

from .genquad import GenQuadDrudge
from .term import Vec
from .utils import sympy_key

[docs]class SU2LatticeDrudge(GenQuadDrudge): """Drudge for a lattice of SU(2) algebras. This drudge has the commutation rules for SU(2) algebras in Cartan-Weyl form (Ladder operators). Here both the shift and Cartan operators can have additional *lattice indices*. Operators on different lattice sites always commute. The the normal-ordering operation would try to put raising operators before the Cartan operators, which come before the lowering operators. """
[docs] def __init__( self, ctx, cartan=Vec('J^z'), raise_=Vec('J^+'), lower=Vec('J^-'), root=Integer(1), norm=Integer(2), **kwargs ): """Initialize the drudge. Parameters ---------- ctx The Spark context for the drudge. cartan The basis operator for the Cartan subalgebra (:math:`J^z` operator for spin problem). It is registered in the name archive by the first letter in its label followed by an underscore. raise_ The raising operator. It is also also registered in the name archive by the first letter in its label followed by ``_p``. lower The lowering operator, registered by the first letter followed by ``_m``. root The coefficient for the commutator between the Cartan and shift operators. norm The coefficient for the commutator between the raising and lowering operators. kwargs All other keyword arguments are given to the base class :py:class:`GenQuadDrudge`. """ super().__init__(ctx, **kwargs) self.cartan = cartan self.raise_ = raise_ self.lower = lower self.set_name(**{ cartan.label[0] + '_': cartan, raise_.label[0] + '_p': raise_, lower.label[0] + '_m': lower }) spec = _SU2Spec( cartan=cartan, raise_=raise_, lower=lower, root=root, norm=norm ) self._spec = spec self._swapper = functools.partial(_swap_su2, spec=spec)
@property def swapper(self) -> GenQuadDrudge.Swapper: """The swapper for the spin algebra.""" return self._swapper
_SU2Spec = collections.namedtuple('_SU2Spec', [ 'cartan', 'raise_', 'lower', 'root', 'norm' ]) def _swap_su2(vec1: Vec, vec2: Vec, *, spec: _SU2Spec): """Swap two vectors based on the SU2 rules. """ char1, indice1, key1 = _parse_vec(vec1, spec) char2, indice2, key2 = _parse_vec(vec2, spec) if len(indice1) != len(indice2): raise ValueError( 'Invalid SU2 generators on lattice', (vec1, vec2), 'incompatible number of lattice indices' ) delta = functools.reduce(operator.mul, ( KroneckerDelta(i, j) for i, j in zip(indice1, indice2) ), _UNITY) root = spec.root norm = spec.norm if char1 == _RAISE: if char2 == _RAISE: if key1 < key2: return None elif key1 > key2: return _UNITY, _NOUGHT else: return None else: return None elif char1 == _CARTAN: if char2 == _RAISE: return _UNITY, root * delta * vec2 elif char2 == _CARTAN: if key1 > key2: return _UNITY, _NOUGHT else: return None else: return None elif char1 == _LOWER: if char2 == _RAISE: return _UNITY, -norm * delta * spec.cartan[indice1] elif char2 == _CARTAN: return _UNITY, root * delta * vec1 else: if key1 < key2: return None elif key1 > key2: return _UNITY, _NOUGHT else: return None else: assert False _RAISE = 0 _CARTAN = 1 _LOWER = 2 def _parse_vec(vec, spec: _SU2Spec): """Get the character, lattice indices, and indices keys of the vector. """ base = vec.base if base == spec.cartan: char = _CARTAN elif base == spec.raise_: char = _RAISE elif base == spec.lower: char = _LOWER else: raise ValueError('Unexpected vector for SU2 algebra', vec) indices = vec.indices keys = tuple(sympy_key(i) for i in indices) return char, indices, keys _UNITY = Integer(1) _NOUGHT = Integer(0)