Drudge / Gristmill
Symbolic tensor and non-commutative algebra with powerful automatic code generation and optimization
Based on SymPy, drudge/gristmill aims to perform complex symbolic manipulations involving tensor and non-commutative algebra, and optionally generates highly optimized implementations automatically for their numerical computations. In spite of its root in quantum many-body theories, the stack is applicable to any problem with heavy dependency on tensor algebra and tensor computations.
Drudge is the component focusing on the general symbolic manipulation and simplification. Inside its core, the high-performance C++ libcanon library is used for the canonicalization of the DAG for tensor expressions. Based on drudge, gristmill could rewrite given tensor computations to perform substantial optimization, whose result can be used by its simple C/Fortran/Python code generator.
Compare with common general computer algebra systems, drudge simplifies with full consideration of symmetries of tensors and symbolic summations. For instance, for a 4th-order tensor \(u\) with symmetry
expression like
can be automatically simplified into a single term like,
despite the initial different placement of the indices to the symmetric \(u\) tensor and different naming of the dummy indices for summations.
In addition to the full consideration of the combinatorial properties of symmetric tensors and summations during the simplification, drudge also offers a general system for handling non-commutative algebraic systems. Currently, drudge directly supports the CCR and CAR algebra for treating fermions and bosons in many-body theory, general Clifford algebras, and \(\mathfrak{su}(2)\) algebra in its Cartan-Killing basis. Other non-commutative algebraic systems can be added with ease.
Based on drudge, gristmill utilizes novel advanced algorithms to efficiently parenthesize and factorize tensor computations for less arithmetic cost. For instance, a matrix chain product
can be parenthesized into
depending on which one of them incurs less arithmetic cost for the given shapes of the matrices. With just a small overhead relative to specialized dynamic programming code for matrix chain products, general tensor contractions are supported. For instance, the ladder term in the CCD theory in quantum chemistry
can be automatically parenthesized into a two-step evaluation
Because of the efficiency of the algorithm, contraction of even twenty factors can be handled well.
When computing sums of multiple contractions, factorizations of some or all terms leading to savings of arithmetic cost can also be automatically found. For instance, the correlation energy of the CCSD theory in quantum chemistry,
can be automatically rewritten into
which takes less arithmetic cost.
In addition to parenthesization and factorization, gristmill also has additional optimization heuristics like common symmetrization optimization. The same intermediates can also be guaranteed to be computed only once by the canonicalization power of drudge.
The code generator is a component orthogonal to the optimizer. Both optimized and unoptimized computation can be given for naive Fortran or C code (with optional OpenMP parallelization), or Python code using NumPy or TensorFlow libraries.
Drudge is developed by Jinmo Zhao and Prof Gustavo E Scuseria at Rice University, and was supported as part of the Center for the Computational Design of Functional Layered Materials, an Energy Frontier Research Center funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences under Award DE-SC0012575.